Friday, November 17, 2006

Faluire is Success

Write down a quote that you agree with or disagree with, and explain why you agree or disagree.
"I have been told of an African phase describing a good cook as "She Who Has Broken Many Pots." I dont agree with it because by the time she broke her 4th pot, she would be fired. i see what Jon Carroll is trying to say with failing but it doesnt work with all situations. he neans to say that we make mistakes to succed not failing.

b. Describe one of the biggest failures you’ve made in your life. How did the failure affect you? What did you learn from the failure?
I havent failed anything except classes and projects. I did fail your final project and i learned that i shouldnt leave anything to the last minute.

c. Why do you think I’m having you listen to this story?
so we fail and you get to see us again? i think its so we can be so intent to our work


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